Thursday, February 17, 2011

Subliminal Messages Are Still In.

Wednesday night I had to babysit a neighbor's little girl who's 8 years old. After all the assignment that I just went through this week, so I decided to watch a movie with her called Tangled. Now, before I watch a movie, I go research about it. Google, YouTube, see how great it is. That's when I stumbled pass something that looks very different, and it bothered me. I kept looking at this picture going, why am I so intrigued by this image? I turned by head to the left, then to the right, trying to see why. Here's the picture that I found and was so intrigued with:

I stared at it for a good 5 minutes. Then I saw it. Do you see what I see? (take a second to look at it, then scroll down)


Okay, so here's what I saw:

Pretty interesting, huh? I think they do this just for the fun of things...

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