Thursday, February 17, 2011

Subliminal Messages Are Still In.

Wednesday night I had to babysit a neighbor's little girl who's 8 years old. After all the assignment that I just went through this week, so I decided to watch a movie with her called Tangled. Now, before I watch a movie, I go research about it. Google, YouTube, see how great it is. That's when I stumbled pass something that looks very different, and it bothered me. I kept looking at this picture going, why am I so intrigued by this image? I turned by head to the left, then to the right, trying to see why. Here's the picture that I found and was so intrigued with:

I stared at it for a good 5 minutes. Then I saw it. Do you see what I see? (take a second to look at it, then scroll down)


Okay, so here's what I saw:

Pretty interesting, huh? I think they do this just for the fun of things...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dieline Package

Here's another school project that I got assigned and I really like the outcome.

The colour that I've used is very subtle, fun and cool. I can actually see this as a new package for Birth Control. 

Well, here is a rational for this package as well:

Rational: I wanted to design something that would be fun because this is a package that 18+ girls/womsn would use daily. With that said, I went with the colour purple and different shades to keep it interesting. I thought that just the colour purple wouldn't be "fun" enough, so I made a circle pattern in the front. And as you can see, there are exactly 28 circles in the front, which represents the 28 pills. (Back of package has 28 as well). Inside the package, I made a nice calendar to keep track of pills. The size I've chosen to go with is a nice pocket size where it can be placed in a women's pocket, purse and still have space for other things because we all know  girls love to carry along with them everything!

Restaurant Logo

Today I'd like to blog about a logo design that I've created for a school project: Restaurant Branding

Here is a Rational explaining why.

Rational: Castelo De Lisboa, translated to English means Castle of Lisbon, Lisbon being the capital and heart of Portugal. I've chosen the colours red, green and yellow because those are the colours of the Portuguese flag. In the background, you noticed the 3 pillars of the castles which is an important symbol of the portuguese national emblem. Lastly, you'll also notice a hidden cross right in the middle of the logo because most Portuguese people are Catholic.

(if this was a real restaurant, I would love to go)