Monday, March 28, 2011

Michael Bierut

For one of my classes (Client Services and Relations), I got a chance to research a design superstar. Going into this project, I had no idea who I wanted to research. Nixson, a friend of mine from the class, who recently read about Michael Bierut referred me to him so I said, "why not, it'll be fun!"

After doing a lot of research, I found out that this guy is quite amazing! I can totally relate to him with the way he works with his clients.  He is a designer that works alongside with his client, and that's exactly how I work.

I have an interesting video I'd like to share with my viewers. It's a video about Michael Bierut talking about his 5 secrets of client work, which if any of you here do, this video is GREAT!

Link to video:

If you don't want to watch the whole 19 and so minutes of the video, here's the 5 secrets he talks about:
1. Listen first, then design
2. Don't avoid the obvious
3. The problem contains the solution
4. Indulge your obsession
5. Love is the answer

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